This is the main poster for the film ‘Jennifer’s Body’, it follows the conventions of other horror film posters by using dark and gloomy background and making the main image stand out more with the use of brighter colours. By doing this, it grabs audience’s attention to the main image of the sexy Megan Fox. It’s also very conventional for film poster to make the main image the largest and placed on the centre of the page, just like this film poster did. It’s not creative as it follows the conventions of any other film poster.
It’s obvious to the audience that this is a horror film poster because of the blood dripping from Megan’s mouth, the fact that the background is a dark and gloomy forest and the fact that she has ‘unrated’ written on her stomach in blood, I believe it was supposed to look like someone cut the word into her skin, but it’s clear that is has been photoshopped on. The title of the film also signals the genre of the film because ‘Jennifer’s body’ sounds like someone’s body is either missing or Jennifer has been killed. Either way, the poster clearly signals that it’s a horror film.
The film poster displays a medium long shot of Megan Fox, she is wearing a red and grey cheerleaders outfit, her hair is long, wavy and thick. She has blood dripping from her mouth and on her stomach. Her hands are placed a little outwards, her fingers are open up, and she has a sexy but intimidating stare in her eyes. Her eye colour look very pale blue, almost like she only has black pupils. She has shiny thick lips and pink plusher on. All this making her look a lot older than a teenage cheerleader. All this also connecting with the front cover of ‘Total Film’ that I did, featuring the film ‘Jennifer’s Body’, where Megan Fox was also wearing a cheerleaders outfit, with the same look in her eyes that made her look a lot older and mature. Megan is leaning against a wooden fence which is grey and old. There is also a full moon behind Megan on the left hand side, this could give clues to the audience that she may turn into some sort of monster when the moon comes out, which also signals the genre of the film which is horror. There is a glow around Megan, not so much coming from her because that could give the wrong idea of her being angelic and innocent, but it’s coming more from the background, where there is light and fog that is framing Megan to make her stand out even more.
The lighting seems to me like it’s ambient lighting that is coming from behind Megan to highlight her more, also there is light coming from the front of her, to make sure that she is clearly seen. All this gives the effect of Megan being the main focus point and kind of gives the clue to the audience that she likes attention and also is the main focus of everyone.
The use of colour on this poster is kept simple, there is grey, white and red, all very conventional for horror film posters. The red obviously representing blood, the grey is the dark, shadows and eeriness and the white could represent an innocence that has turned sinister. Again, giving clues that Megan could change into something or someone evil. The red on Megan’s cheerleader’s outfit looks a lot more like blood red than normal red. It’s a lot more dark, which is a conventional thing to do, connecting colours with the genre of the film.
Looking at this poster, it has a very stereotypical side to it, as in the fact that because Megan or in the film ‘Jennifer’, is a attractive and sexy female, she is popular, if she is popular she can be on the cheerleading squad, all this is stereotypically done as we see this in films and ‘chick flicks’ and if she is popular she is probably bitchy and stuck up, and as I have seen this film before, I can say that her character is bitchy and stuck up in the film. This poster also uses Megan Fox as the main attraction and attention grabber of the audience, because the male audience will find her so attractive, they will be inclined to watch the film, and the female audience will envy her and will want to watch the film to see what they can do to be as sexy as her.
Text is kept to a minimum on this poster. The title of the film is in large and bold font placed in the middle of the page, it’s in red and white, complimenting the rest of the poster and keeping a brand identity. The word ‘BODY’ is in red whilst the rest of the text, including the names of the two main actresses is in white. The fact that the word ‘BODY’ is in red and also looks like it has been scratched a little at the bottom signals death and bloody and that Jennifer’s body is no longer alive either mentally or physically.
The carving of ‘Unrated’ that is on Megan’s stomach looks like normal hand writing in capital letters, because it’s supposed to look like it’s been carved, it looks quite messy, with blood dripping down from it, showing the audience that not only has this film not been age rated, but they also cleverly and creatively added it to the poster in a interesting and unique way.
Because it’s carved and is bloody, it gives away the genre of the film, it’s a horror film that involves a lot of blood and horror. The narrative is not so obvious, but it’s been signaled that it’s a film in a high school that involves bloody and gory scenes.
This poster also sells well because of the two big names, Megan Fox and Amanda Seyfried, both famous and sexy female actors. Megan Fox is known most for her role in the ‘Transformers’ franchise and Amanda Seyfried is known for her role in the chick flick comedy ‘Mean Girls’, both big sex symbols in the acting world. The fact that they are famous and sexy, sells the film well as it attracts the male audience whilst the female audience envy them and will want to watch this film with a boyfriend to see what it is that attracts the male audience to them.
The film poster is also similar to the front cover of ‘Total Film’ and the film. They all have a symbiotic link between them. Megan Fox wears a cheerleader’s outfit in all of the different media texts. This way, the film keeps a brand identity making it recognizable to the target audience.
In conclusion I believe this poster is effective and successful, it sells well as it grabs the target audience’s attention as well as mine. It involves humor in the film, which obviously you would have to watch to find out, it includes beautiful women, horror and everything else that horror film lovers would really enjoy.
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