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15 Nov 2010

Supernatural Horror - History

The term 'horror' first comes into play with Horace Walpole's 1764 novel, The Castle of Otranto, full of supernatural shocks and mysterious melodrama. Supernatural horror to this day is still the most popular and the most loved type of horror by the public. Rooting from the 70s, supernatural horror included things such as witches, vampires, werewolfs and ghosts. In the eighteenth century, it was gothic horror that drew on these sources producing works of 'The Italian' (1797) By Anne Radcliffe and 'The Mysteries of Udolpho' (1794).  The first great horror classic (Frankenstein 1818) was written by a Romantic at the heart of the movement. 

Frankenstein (1818)

Count Dracula 



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