Exploring all the different ideas I had for the magazine front cover wasn't as simple and the film poster but it was still a quick process. In William's living room he has an old fire place that wasn't yet taken out and replaced; This is when I knew I would photograph Abbie there. It looked perfect and 'spooky'.
The Masthead
Naming the magazine was easier than I thought it would be. I thought of the word 'film' then the word 'house' just followed and I ended up with the perfect title for the film magazine. Choosing a suitable font was a little harder.
Sell lines
I didn't want to have too little sell lines that the front cover ended up looking plain and boring, but having too many would make it hard to read, I thought of all the things that the target audience which are both male and female, would like to read. I included reviews of new films, and interviews with famous actors. I also included and interview with 'Abbie' or as she is known on the front cover as 'Kimmy Sue' which I really thought had a ring to it.
Colour Scheme
I believe in simplicity, so keeping my front cover simple was my main goal. I kept to the colour scheme of white, and a rare red that you will see on the cover. The white to me represents a little mystery, the dead, ghosts, and eeriness so white was the perfect colour to choose that kept the front cover looking simple but effective.
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